Lenovo Summer Games Blogger

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day before competition!

Well it is the day before I start my final competition.  I have a constant flow of adrenalin and am feeling very anxious to get started. It is a familiar feeling but not a comfortable one.

I have been awake since 6am even though I am not waking up to my kids or training.  I went and had an early breakfast and a coffee at McCafe which seems to be routine for me here in the village and have spent the last couple of hours replying to many emails and facebook messages I have recieved since I last checked a couple of days ago.  It's been great recieving everyones messages of support and how everyone is wishing me well for my final competition.  We have also recieved so many messages from school kids around the country and it makes us feel like we have a great following in the diving.

Today will be my final training session I ever do without having to follow it with a competition.  I am hoping it goes well as the last session is your final impression of how things are going and it would be nice to have a solid session without worrying about things that you don't need to worry about.

My coach and I have been excited about the way I have been training and we both hope I bring that to the competition.  I am feeling a lot like I was in Athens so I am clutching to the fact that is a good sign.

It's very hard not to think of results and medals and I am trying to focus on a good solid performance and results will take care of themselves.  I have certainly had an amazing time since arriving in Beijing and have left any troubles I have had back in Australia.  the last weeks preparation has been better than the last 6 months combined and it has come just at the right time.  I am certainly peaking just when I need to but that does not guarantee medals or good performances.  I need to remain focussed and keep my head in the right frame of mind.  

This is fun!  I hope I enjoy the next three days!  that's what it's all about!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Uniform distribution and the Water Cube

Well, it's off to get our uniform and I am like a young child at Christmas time.  I had no idea I was going to get this excited at my 3rd Olympic games.  For all anyone knows it could have been my first and even though I knew what was coming I couldn't wait to see all our goodies.  To me, it was Christmas in August!

We arrive at the warehouse and first up we notice there is a diving picture of two of the Aussies.  My husband and his synchro partner Scott Robinson.  We take photos
 of them beside it and they looked proud of themselves.  We are ordered into the room where we pick up our stuff.  It is a great package and nearly all of i
t fits me which is strange.  There is 100 items and we are happy with all of it.  We finally start to feel part of the team.  It's time to head back to the village because our next adventure is heading to the pool.

At the pool, we all quickly run into the venue which is one of the most impressive venues I have ever come across.  I sneak a few photos before anyone is on the boards training, then quickly head back into the dryland centre where we warm up and do our dry training.  Everyone is eager to get on the boards and get adjusted to the venue.

After we have completed our first session at training.  We take the opportunity to take some under water shots, shots from the 10m and have a bit of fun. 

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Our arrival and settling in to the village!

Well it was certainly a relief to finally get on the plane to head to Beijing. I am not sure if I am more excited to be going or that I have actually made it. On the plane I am too excited to sleep. I feel like a kid again and I try and calm myself by watching movies. Four movies later and we are almost ready for touch down. I am a little sore from the flight but still looking forward to what is about to happen.

As we go through customs and go through processing I realize it is after midnight at home and I suddenly feel like I can't wait to get settled in the village. After waiting for all our luggage to come out, I see that everyone has there gear but mine is still missing. A lot of people are waiting so I still have faith. That faith is taken from me when officials come and tap me on the shoulder saying there is no more to come. Oh - My luggage is still in Australia.

Not to worry, tomorrow we are about to pickup more gear than we can carry and I won't need a lot of what I have brought over. Only problem is, all me toiletries, underwear and entertainment need are packed in the suitcase. I am sure it will arrive tomorrow.

We get back to the village after the bus driver got lost and turned our 20 minute trip into just over an hour. We go and claim our room, dump what stuff we do have and head for a bite to eat in the food hall. At 1.30am in Beijing, the food hall was mostly empty but we do run into some familiar faces from previous Olympics. We are all looking forward to sleep and head back quickly to bed.

The alarm goes off, we are up and look out our window from the 6th floor. The first thing we see is the boxers training. The coach screaming at them and the poor guys are sweating it out to make their weight category.

Welcome to the Olympics!! This is what it's all about.. I get goose bumps!!